Wim van Hennekeler helps and advises organizations and their management with driving change and transformation. He speaks on conferences and writes about leadership, c...
Order now!Consultant Wim van Hennekeler has written a somewhat unconventional book. Foute Besluiten (‘Wrong decisions’) is not a ‘how to’ guide. It does not offer a model. Rather, the author attempts to create awareness of the patterns that underlie poor decision-making processes. “There’s nothing wrong with holding back a little from time to time.”
Read more!Young employees are digital natives with a digital mindset in many areas like marketing, strategy, customer experience and the impact of the company on climate and society. So why are they often excluded from setting the company’s direction in these areas? Untapping the potential of young employees is becoming a critical success factor.
Read more!Leading digital transformation is very different from leading more traditional transformation. In this article, I will highlight ten reasons why. For each of these areas, I will quickly describe what it requires from leaders and their organizations to successfully drive digital transformation and bring it to the next level. A 10 minutes read.
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